Team Details

What if a team is not shown under a list of club teams in WGS?
You can contact the Gloucestershire FA by emailing to check whether the team was affiliated correctly. The team may need to be...
Wed, 12 Jul, 2017 at 11:09 AM
What if a team is shown with the wrong league (or no league)?
You can contact the Gloucestershire FA by emailing to confirm the team has been assigned to the correct league.  If the te...
Wed, 12 Jul, 2017 at 11:14 AM
What do I do if a club has submitted a registration but the league has not received it?
The first check is to ensure the club has correctly submitted the registration to the league.  When searching for a player and adding them to the club d...
Wed, 12 Jul, 2017 at 11:29 AM